Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hello everyone! I just thought I would let you all know what has been going on. Nothing singularly is worthy of its own post so I thought I would just catch you all up at once.

1.) Brent is currently engrossed in finals. I have not talked to him about just about anything else since before thanksgiving break. I have no doubt that he is doing amazinginly well but we will not officially find out until late january when grades and rankings come out. He has two more final exams. One on Tuesday and the other on thursday.

2.) I am also slowly finishing up this semester. I plan to submit one of my finals today, and then take one monday tuesday and wednesday. I think I will do fairly well on all of them, well I don't forsee any major issues but you never really know. I am hoping to achieve all A's this semester but honestly I am not sure I care if I recieve a B in one or two courses.

3.) So as most all of you know the company I work for is down sizing... well going out of business. This has been happening for a while now so I am not surprised and have been expecting to be let go for a while now, this, however, has not happened. Yesterday I was pulled into my supervisors office and she asked me to stay on through next January and increase my hours a little. Well I am kinda done with the job and have made arrangments to start T.A. ing for Prof. Lott 20 hours next semester which should cover all of our needs but I said yes. I figure it is better to use that extra money from that month to save up for a harder time or even better, put it towards brents law school fund. Regardless I will still be working with Icon until the mid or late January time.

4.) Brents football team did make it to the championship game but they lost. I did not go because it was ten degrees out and I am intelligent, but brent told me that to win the championship they would have had to beat the team twice because they were undefeated. He also told me that right before the game they over heard the officials saying that they had to make sure Brents team lost so they would not have to work on saturday. I think that would have been very demoralizing and I am sure Brents team would have had a much better shot if the refs had been decent.

5.) Ericas Wedding in on Saturday. I have been helping out here and there but not a ton. I am excited and this week should be really good for her! Brent is really excited that he gets to eat at Tacano's and that we get it all for free makes him even happier! It should be a great time but I am ready freeze for pictures!

6.) WE GET TO GO HOME! Brent and I are both getting very very antzy about leaving for christmas break. Thanks to somewonderful sisters in our ward we have substitutes for our class and then we have a friend who is willing to watch Caliah while we are in Arizona! Well I should get to homework but hope you all enjoyed this!