Monday, March 31, 2008

Weekend in Pullman

Well, thought I'd better post a bit about our weekend at Blake and Maren's (and Braden) in Pullman, WA. Like all good Oregonians, we headed out the Wednesday of Spring Break to visit Blake, Maren, and Braden. It turned out to be about a 5 1/2 hour drive from Portland. The drive was worth every minute as the most adorable baby was waiting to greet us when we arrived.

Honestly, I've seen cute babies before, but Braden takes the cake. Easily the cutest baby I've ever seen! Probably the cutest I'll ever least until the next grandchild is born. :) Each morning, I was fortunate enough to get some alone time with Braden as mom or dad brought him downstairs when Blake headed off to work which allowed Maren to get a little sleep. Needless to say, once everyone else got out of bed, I had to take turns with Braden. It was hard to leave after only a few days.

We really liked Blake and Maren's home. Virtually brand new and a nice size for their growing family. Kudos to Blake for picking out a complimentary yellow and blue to paint their family room. Who would have thought that he has the design savvy in the family?

I was 14 the last time I was in Pullman to visit Uncle Bill and Aunt Colleen when they were Bill was completing his undergraduate degree. I didn't remember much about the town and Washington State University. The school seems bigger than I remembered and the town smaller. Although it clearly has grown since the "old" days. We visited the WSU campus and went to the bookstore and Ferdinands which is the equivalent as the USU or BYU creamery. Delicious ice cream! During our stay, we drove over to Moscow Idaho which is only 6 miles away from Pullman. The University of Idaho is located in Moscow. Two state universities located just 6 miles apart.

Thanks to Blake and Maren (and Braden) for a great weekend. I look forward to going back sometime after it warms up a bit and the wheat is growing in the Palouse.



Maren and Blake said...

We really enjoyed having you guys. Maren really appreciated all the help with Braden so she could get some needed rest. As for the blue and yellow paint, I don't charge much for my design skills if you are interested. I accept cash, checks, or another visit to see your grandson. We too agree that he is the cutest grandson you will ever see till we have another one.