Friday, February 1, 2008

Blair is an Eagle Scout!

It is official, Blair is now an Eagle Scout. He sat for his Eagle Board of Review last night and after
40 minutes of grueling interrogation, he was notified that he met all the requirements for the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America.


The only thing that we need to wait for now is for the National office to record his rank advancement and then send his certificate.

I think Blair takes some pride in the fact that he matched his older brother in the regard.

Once again, Theota Burns was instrumental in helping Blair make it to the finish line. Believe it or not, she has helped (and not just minimal help) more than 50 young men receive their Eagle Rank. Toren might recall that he too was one of her "boys". The women is as good as gold and we love her for all that she does.

Tom Carlson sat in the review as Blair's Scoutmaster, even though it has been several years since he was actually his SM. Believe it or not, Blair was the first young man to ask Tom to sit in as his SM. Tom pulled me aside after the Board of Review and expressed how honored he was to finally get to represent one of his boys.

Well, it you all get a chance, don't hesitate in congratulating Blair.


Maren and Blake said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Blair that is so exciting. Blake has his eagle as well and couldn't be more excited for you. How was the review? Was it as intense as dad said it was?

That is something great to put on a resume and I am sure all the ladies will be drawn to such a dedicated Boy Scout of America.

We are sure proud of you Blair and all your hard to work to receive this honor.